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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rice Cereal!

We have been waiting patiently for Sophie to be 6 months old so that we could feed her rice cereal. Since she is 6 months old tomorrow, tonight was the big night! Needless to say, we aren't quite sure how much she really ate and how much she just spit out, but it was a lot of fun to watch her anyway. And, as you can see, even though she didn't seem to love it, she didn't hate it enough to not finish the bowl! We will see how she feels about veggies next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that she's wearing tights while eating. I don't know why that cracks me up! Maybe because I have a boy... :)

And I love the last picture of her eating the bowl. So cute!

What did you mix the cereal with? (And P.S. I'll have our Bumbo seat all washed and ready for Sophie when you come!)