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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Exersaucer Potato

Okay, that heading was dumb. I am embarrassed.

So, Sophie LOVES her exersaucer! She can't get enough of it. She loves standing, she loves jumping, she loves being able to see us and the dogs, she loves playing the piano, she loves spinning the frog, she loves trying to eat the flower, and she loves grabbing the plastic rings. She loves everything about it.

But, she also loves the TV.

When she is in the exersaucer, we face her towards us so that she can't see the TV, but she basically does a backbend to be able to see it. She bends back, checks what's on, and then faces forward again. Over and over.

She also does this while nursing. I used to just watch TV while she nursed because there was nothing better to do, but now she kind of does the same thing as when she is in the exersaucer. She nurses, cranes her neck back to see what's on TV, nurses, cranes her neck back, nurses, etc.

It would be funny if it weren't so naughty.

Okay, it is still funny.

1 comment:

kallie said...

This is my favorite story so far! And I'm so glad that you are blogging again. See...yes, I do still check it to see if you've updated. Yeah Christine!