welcome to christine and pete's baby blog

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some of Sophie's Favorite Toys

Among other things, two of Sophie's favorite toys are:

1. Her feet
2. Our phones

And, she finds it especially amusing when we tell her that her feet are stinky.

She has also become quite fond of the tags on things.

Why do we even buy her toys?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sophie is already pouting.

Just kidding...she has just been sitting up on her own. And army-crawling towards toys. AND lifting up her tummy and getting up on all fours. How exciting!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Over Christmas, Becky and Sarah made me buy Sophie this sweater. It's a good thing I did, because now we have these cute pictures.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Size Charts

It is as much fun to dress a baby as it is confusing to decide what size they need. ALL of the different companies are different. So, to make this easier, I made this nice little section on this blog where I can just click on a brand, and it will bring me to that company's size guide. How exciting!

I just love her (and him).

Exersaucer Potato

Okay, that heading was dumb. I am embarrassed.

So, Sophie LOVES her exersaucer! She can't get enough of it. She loves standing, she loves jumping, she loves being able to see us and the dogs, she loves playing the piano, she loves spinning the frog, she loves trying to eat the flower, and she loves grabbing the plastic rings. She loves everything about it.

But, she also loves the TV.

When she is in the exersaucer, we face her towards us so that she can't see the TV, but she basically does a backbend to be able to see it. She bends back, checks what's on, and then faces forward again. Over and over.

She also does this while nursing. I used to just watch TV while she nursed because there was nothing better to do, but now she kind of does the same thing as when she is in the exersaucer. She nurses, cranes her neck back to see what's on TV, nurses, cranes her neck back, nurses, etc.

It would be funny if it weren't so naughty.

Okay, it is still funny.

It Really IS A Girl!

Babies never look like boys or girls. They just look like babies. That is a fact. That is is why I pretty much only dress Sophie in clothes that have pink in them, so there will be no mistake. When she was younger and I had all of those gender-neutral clothes, there were a few times that people thought she was a boy. Even though it is stupid...even though I have made the same mistake myself, when it happened, deep down there was always a tiny part of me that felt bad.

Then, last week, I looked at her long hair (which, as suspected, is slowly changing to blond), and thought, why don't I put her hair in a ponytail? So, I did. And, the minute I did, she transformed! She looked 100% like a little girl! Not even a BABY girl, but a little GIRL. I almost died. Here she is:

Music Time

Since all of the books say that it is important to start a bedtime routine with your baby as early as possible, we have been trying to do that. This routine involves a bath (some nights), putting pajamas on, reading books, eating, and, lately, music time. Music time is when Pete puts Sophie in our bed with a blanket and then plays his guitar and sings to her. Yes, it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I tried to get it on video, but as soon as Pete spotted the videocamera, he stopped.

Anyway, sometimes Pete lets Sophie touch and strum the guitar for fun. Just in case she becomes a musical prodigy, I took this picture so that we could always say that we just KNEW she was going to be brilliant because she was already interested in the guitar at just four months old. Ha ha.

Four-Month Update

It has been a very, very long time since I have posted anything on here. In fact, I almost accepted the fact that I just wasn't going to do it anymore. But, Pete keeps pushing me to start doing it again...AND it is a great way for Becky to see pictures, so here I am. If nothing else, Sophie can read through it when she is older.

Things have changed so much. SHE has changed so much. I think one of the reasons I have neglected this blog is because there is just too much to write about. I mean, where am I supposed to start? I guess I could just make a list of some of her big moments, since if there is one thing I am good at, it is lists. So, here we go:

1. She is very, very strong. She rolled over from her tummy to her back MONTHS ago. Around Christmas, she rolled from her back to her tummy. Now, she can practically sit up on her own, she loves standing with support, she "crawls" toward toys if you give her something to push off on, and she pretends to walk when Pete takes her fingers and moves with her. As I said before, she is very strong. :)

2. Personality wise, she is very sweet and silly. She is very talkative, and she loves giggling. I think one of the cutest/funniest things is watching her interact with the dogs. She will SCREAM and squawk until they pay attention to her. And, if they happen to bark or wrestle with each other, she thinks it is hysterical.

3. She COULD be a great sleeper. She started sleeping through the night around Thanksgiving. BUT, she was sleeping in her carseat, so when the pediatrician told us that might not be a great idea, we had to find other options, and now she only sleeps for about six hours at the most. Still, that's not all that bad. Plus, she consistently naps every day (or most days) from about noon until about 3:00.

4. Even though she is sweet and silly, her mood can change in seconds. If she is hungry, she will scream until she gets food. There is NO comforting her...that just makes it worse. She needs food immediately. Also, if she gets overtired, she enters what Pete lovingly calls "crazy time". Crazy time involves a lot of loud squawking.

5. She is HUGE. Her current stats are:
Weight: 16.2 pounds (90th percentile)
Height: 25 and 3/4 inches (91st percentile)

6. She has a small head. It has remained consistently near the 35th percentile. Of course, this worried me immensely for a long time, but I am finally starting to relax about it since obviously her brain is developing.

7. She is very intense. She focuses very intently on books and toys, and when she is in a new place, she can't take everything in fast enough.

Okay, she is waking up from her nap. :)