welcome to christine and pete's baby blog

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It Really IS A Girl!

Babies never look like boys or girls. They just look like babies. That is a fact. That is is why I pretty much only dress Sophie in clothes that have pink in them, so there will be no mistake. When she was younger and I had all of those gender-neutral clothes, there were a few times that people thought she was a boy. Even though it is stupid...even though I have made the same mistake myself, when it happened, deep down there was always a tiny part of me that felt bad.

Then, last week, I looked at her long hair (which, as suspected, is slowly changing to blond), and thought, why don't I put her hair in a ponytail? So, I did. And, the minute I did, she transformed! She looked 100% like a little girl! Not even a BABY girl, but a little GIRL. I almost died. Here she is:


Hoff said...

She definitely is a little lady. Have fun Pete. Pretty soon she'll be old enough to date.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, Pete! Dating. If you thought having a sister go out on dates was bad (remember Bullet Chin?), just WAIT until Sophie is old enough!!

She's always looked like a little girl to me. And Christine, I think she's looking more and more like you!

Hoff said...

And that's a good thing... *wink*. Hehe. In your face Pete :)