welcome to christine and pete's baby blog

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sophie's First Halloween!

As you can all see by this picture, Sophie's favorite pumpkin this year is mine (Pete). She was only trying to make the same face.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sophie's Room

Since I never got around to posting pictures of the nursery before we had Sophie, I thought I might as well show you her room even though it is now used. :)

Sophie's First Bath

Baby Sophie

It's A Girl!

Name: Sophia Grace Hoffman
Birthday: October 15, 2008
Time: 11:24 A.M.
Weight: 8 Pounds 1.3 Ounces
Length: 19 Inches

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Giant Feet

I know I have gone on and on about how everything about me is huge...my nose, my belly, my feet, my cankles, etc. But seriously...I know most pregnant women's feet get bigger, but I don't think it's normal for them to get THIS big.

My normal shoe size is 8.5. When my normal shoes started to be tight, size 9 or 9.5 started fitting. I thought that was normal. You know, going up a size or a half a size. But right now the only size that fits is an 11. That is a full 2.5 sizes bigger than my normal feet.

All I have to say is that I am VERY curious to see what size they will be once I have the baby. Will they stay this big? Will they go down but still be bigger than before? Let's all hope that they go back to normal, or I will have to buy a whole new shoe wardrobe. And I will have disgustingly huge feet for life.

Pete is Cute

Pete is cute. He is so excited for the baby. Any time I say "ow" or anything like that, he jumps up and looks at me with this silly expression and asks me if it's time.

New Project

I read a novel about knitting the other day, and it inspired me to want to knit something for the baby. I am NOT a knitter...the only thing I have ever done is knit about 4 inches of a scarf a few years ago. But regardless, I was suddenly motivated to knit. So, while Sarah was here, Nancy helped us get started on some knitting projects. I am making a peapod, which is sort of like a little wrap-up wearable blanket thing for the baby (it is bright green with cute and colorful buttons) and Sarah started a pair of cream speckled mittens.

I am really enjoying it, but I do have to take breaks after every row because my hands hurt. Hopefully I can get it done (or close to done) before the baby arrives.

Pregnancy Class

So, we made it through our pregnancy class a few weeks ago without giving birth. That was my only hope...to finish the class before we had the baby. The class was good overall. I don't feel like I learned THAT much because I had already read so much, but it was nice to go over breathing techniques. Hopefully I will find them helpful.

In less than two weeks we will have a baby. I know this because my doctor was very clear that if I went PAST my due date, she would induce me. So, that means that no matter what, we WILL have the baby in less than two weeks. I can't believe it!

At my last appointment I let my doctor do a membrane sweep which is something that supposedly helps to induce labor. She said it usually causes the woman to go into labor about a week early. I am not getting my hopes up though...since then I have NOT been having any more contractions than usual. As always, I feel relaxed about the whole thing. If something starts happening, that's great, but if not, I can be patient.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Belly At Almost 36 Weeks

List Of Things I Am Excited To Do...When I Am Not Pregnant Anymore

1. Take a HOT bath.
2. Eat a caesar salad, a hot dog, and a grilled ham and cheese.
3. Sleep on my back and my stomach.
4. Walk up the stairs without needing to take a break afterwards to catch my breath.
5. Look down and see my legs.
6. Recognize my face in pictures.
7. Stop running into walls, tripping over things, and dropping things.
8. Wear my wedding rings.
9. Feel blood flowing into my hands.
10. Sleep for more than two hours without having to get up to go to the bathroom.

Baby Bjorn

Pete is OBVIOUSLY ready for this baby...