welcome to christine and pete's baby blog

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Big Nose

I have a big nose. Pete tried to tell me that I didn't, but I do. The other day I looked at myself in the mirror, noticed my huge nose, and asked Pete, "Do I all of a sudden have a huge nose?" He said no, of course, but I wasn't convinced. So, later on I randomly googled "Pregnancy and Big Nose", and lo and behold, there are a bunch of women who have what they call "Pregnancy Noses". So, it's official. I have a huge nose.

On top of that, I have huge feet. They are huge and puffy and none of my shoes fit. I refuse to wear anything except flip flops (thank God it's summer!) if I even have shoes on at all.

And, on top of that, everything else is huge. I can't stand wearing anything except sweatpants. And only sweatpants that are super loose and stretchy.

The funny thing is that I shouldn't complain because I know for a fact that I am just going to get bigger and bigger. I still have three months left! Somehow that seems like such a long time and such a short time at the same time. :)

Lots of Kicking

This baby LOVES to kick. There are definitely times when it is nice and calm, but when it starts kicking, it kicks and kicks. I find it really amusing, especially when I can see my whole belly shake because of it. Sometimes at night we try to get it to kick by poking at it so Pete can feel it, and it works! It takes a minute to wake the baby up, but then all of a sudden, it kicks us back!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fun Socks

One of the first things I noticed and loved about Pete was that he always wore fun socks. He NEVER wore plain-colored white socks. Ever. And, most of his socks were the really fun ones that have stripes on the top and colored heels and toes. He does wear plain-colored socks now from time to time, but he definitely still loves all of the fun ones.

So, when I saw some "fun" baby socks at a store the other day, how could I resist? They are little baby socks that have stripes at the top and colored toes and heels. Perfect for Pete's future son or daughter. :)


We ordered our baby bedding yesterday! It is called "Happy" bedding, and it is so cute! I can't wait to get it!

Our "empty" nursery is not so empty anymore. We have a crib, the mattress, the changing table, a pack and play, a travel system, lots of clothes, a diaper bag, lots of burp cloths, lots of blankets, towels and washcloths, some of Sam's hand-me-down diapers, and a lot more. I am really feeling more and more prepared!

Plus, I got some organizational bins and baskets for the changing table, and it looks perfect. I have three baskets on the second shelf (burp cloths, blankets, and bath accessories) and two canvas bins on the bottom shelf (diapers and all the little things, like thermometers and nasal aspirators). It looks so much better now that it is organized!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dear Buc

Since my sister, Becky, is in Africa, she won't be able to enjoy my enormous belly during my pregnancy. Luckily, she has internet, so she can see pictures of me on this blog!

So, hello Buc! Here is a picture of my belly that was taken on June 28th (so I was almost 24 weeks pregnant). Although you might be amazed at how large my belly is in the picture, I have to tell you that it has seriously grown even since then. I am huge!

So, have fun laughing at me, and I'm sorry I got pregnant about two weeks after you left even though I told you I wasn't going to even start thinking about it until you got back from Africa. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I feel your pain, Kristin

Many of you knew about Kristin's bellybutton watch during her pregnancy, and now I can say that I know firsthand what she was going through. Although I have to say that I have about the most innie of an innie bellybutton anyone could have (it is usually basically a hole), it has now just about flattened out. It is not popping out, but it is very, very smooth. Scary!

Last Week's Appointment

I had an appointment last week, but I couldn't write about it because my computer's internet is broken and it takes a lot of motivation to come up here to the third floor to go on the internet. But, since I am already up here, I thought I'd write about it and say that it was completely uneventful. It lasted about 15 minutes. Everything is going just perfectly. My blood pressure is good, I am measuring right where I should be, the baby's heartbeat was perfect, etc. I did have a "trace" of sugar in my urine, but the doctor said it was because I had probably eaten right before my appointment (which I had). I asked her if it could be because I have been craving donuts a lot lately, and she laughed and said probably not. So, so far so good.


Our crib was delivered and put together today! It couldn't look more perfect with the changing table OR the room. I am so excited! A nice man named Steve delivered it and put it together. He only said one funny comment...he asked me why in the world I picked a white crib, and I said because I wanted a white crib, and he said that it was a bad choice because:

1. It is feminine, and I could have a boy.
2. It will show chips and dirt more easily.

There may have been a number three, but I forgot. He then pointed to some dark wood in our house and said, "someday you're going to wish you chose one in that color, but I guess that's water under the bridge." Whatever, Steve. I think it is perfect.